Heart Ink Classes (Free)

These classes teach about Famous Artists and the Basic Elements of Art all while connecting to the Great Artist with a short interactive ten minute Bible Story as they complete an art project. We hope to be a blessing in the community for families that are not able to afford art classes, bless local parents who need quality after school kid programs, and create safe spaces for students and parents to ASK QUESTIONS about faith, regardless of their beliefs and background. These programs are geared for those who have never stepped into creative spaces, so you don’t have to be an “artist” to participate. We will build some foundational tools for those who want to develop their child’s interest more intentionally later as they grow. We will explore watercolor, acrylic, pens, pencil, and oil pastel projects as your child grows in creativity, motor skill development, and self-discovery.

Heart Ink classes are donation based to remain FREE for the community. Priority can be given to students from low income families, families where both parents work and after-school activities for their children are needed, and students needing support emotional self-regulation and mental health outlets such as the arts. If you would like to give back to the community to keep these FREE classes available to the community, give back through our QR code donation link under JOIN THE COMMUNITY.

PreK-1st Grade: We limit this class to 4 students per 1 adult volunteer or teacher, so this class fills up quickly! Please email first to check for availability. We can take more students if we have more trained volunteers. Parents are welcome to join their children to support the teacher’s instructions during class.

2nd-6th Grade: This class fits up to 14-16 students in the classroom. Please email to check availability first.

Waiting List: If the classes are full, your application will be held in order of date received and you will be put on our waiting list and notified when there is an opening.